Saturday, October 02, 2010

Despite my best intentions

to clear my needles of existing projects before starting anything new I still managed to come away from Saturday with a new project on my needles. Saturday was KSG - Knitters Study Group, and the topic was shapes. I took with me a selection of yarns and needles and tossed in a spool of linen just because it caught my eye. The shapes were squares, triangles, circles, hexegons and octagons. One suggestion was made, that it would be a good idea to swatch in cotton and then the swatch could be used as a wash cloth .... I started thinking that swatching in the linen would give me a basket liner for bread or muffins. Do you see what happened? There I was having decided not to start any thing new until at least some of my WIP's were off the needles and I just 'had' to cast on a new project. So today I introduce my new project, and showoff progress on my current main project. Today there are no new pens, or inks .. but I may have ordered a 1950's perfectly matching pencil for my Burnham fountain pen ... just may have.

The wall hanging has a 'required by' date of October the 12th, that is the date by which the one transporting them to Wellington is leaving town, so that is the date by which the work must be done. I am well on the way to finishing it. There was however a little boredom kicking in, knitting the same few rows of offset dots over and over - even using a new method of handling the yarn was tedious .. so I've started to bubble-out the dots a little, with fewer per line and more space between them as if they were floating away. I saw some of the other projects finished on Saturday and many included the name of the person they were for ... a fairly easy way to customise the project and something I may yet add.

And the new project? Here, not much to show yet, the first section of lace is done and I'm about to work the section where the star points are created. I'd love to fill the space between the points with eyelet lace or some other lace pattern .. but for now it is on hold as I finish the wall hanging in time to make the deadline.

Tomorrow I'm back to work, marking my share of those essays, but tomorrow night is spinning night and there is knitting to distract me .. so I'll cope. Essay marking is always a swinging emotional field, tiring, and at times inspiring when they get it, and then brutally demoralizing when they don't.

take care
na Stella


Lori said...

I love the green! Beautiful, beautiful. I can't wait to see the finished product.

Knitting Linguist said...

Oh, man, you nailed the marking experience right on the head. Good luck with those papers!

I love the hanging, and the green of that lace is just lovely - you're inspiring me to start spinning a beautiful green batt I bought this weekend...