There is a discussion on Knitters Review forum about methods of joining the fish. Most people seem happy to crochet, and while I can crochet I wanted something flatter, something more sublte. Firstly this is my mini school of fish swimming amongst the stones under our washing line. For now they lie flat, although on a table not on rocky ground, I expect they will still be flat after all are joined, and if not a wet block will solve that problem. I do notice many many knitters say the blanket is wavey and they accept that and kind of like that, I guess I will kind of like that to if waves result.
The following is a photo-essay of how I joined my fish, progress images of the 'side' seam and tail seams. I have included images of the weaving in, and the final one of a close up of the seams from the right side. I stitched my fish 'wrong' sides up, flat on the table or over my fingers. the sharp eyed of you will not I seamed an orange tail to a white one, to show the stitch clarity, then undid this to stitch the white tail to a varigated tail as they will be in the final blanket. No really I made a mistake and and had to undo it. When seaming - I tried to stitch through the upper most edge loop, on the wrong side, leaving the other side of the loop to show on the right side. I did stitch from left to right and then for the next stitch from right to left and so forth, note I have not included the whole serries of photos as some were fuzzy and not focussed.

....and the modified Widdershins heel Regia stripe socks are finished, and they apparently fit perfectly, and no he does not read my blog (as far as I know), but he knows I blog 'things knitting'. The sizing system worked, knitting from the toe and increasing every 2nd row until the sock width is the same as a tracing of the sole. Next time I might allow another set of gusset increases, just for ease over the ankle.

First image is the socks of a mans feet at leisure, and the second my very cheesy take on the current mode of photographing socks on feet from behind when posed ballet style. Both images show the heel nicely. Note the carefully selected background of vintage sewng books.

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