Well here I am, back from KAN, if you want to drool over what went on there is a
KAN ravelry forum thread and a site with photos from all three
KANs (note this years kan was 2012, and photos are at the bottom of the page). Now I am home, and pretty much all knit out, the past two days I have been spinning, having felt a need to do something other than knit from a chart and not wanting to start something new. Last time I did that, it was the Pi shawl specifically to knit at KAN, before I realized that traveling knits are better if not worked with the yarn on a cone. Last post I promised to reveal my splurge, my stash enhancement, so here it is, sans one or two little things that are gifts for those who could not attend.
All of it |
Compared to some of the photos in the
KAN ravelry forums my Stash enhancement was very moderate, but I guess that just showing this pile is mean and I really need to provide a fuller tour of the pile.
First this |
Within minutes of arrival, my traveling enabler M announced that there was the perfect merino silk grey yarn for me on the trade table next to her vintage Purls stall. Not only that but she had asked for three skeins to be put aside for me. Well - I couldn't really ignore such open thoughtfulness, could I? especially as often it is difficult to secure an entire cardigans worth of yarn from indie diers. The dye pots are small compared to industry, so as a result barches are small, and once yarn is on the market the dye batches are quickly sold. I loved the grey, named Smoke and mirrors, dyed by Jessica of Spinning a yarn. Having just finished a grey cardigan I know I need another one, truly I do.
Next fibre |
Next there was a stop at Wabisabi fibers, where Matt had the most amazing variety on offer. This is two little 50g twists of North Island New Zealand Corriedale, which I am told is very different to south island Corriedale. I look forward to playing with this.
Thirdly |
Thirdly was this, on day two of KAN, first is a twist of amazing yarn, so luxurious that the budget fibre is baby alpaca! I kid you not, this is Road to china, and is 50 grams of heavy fingering yarn consisting of 65% baby alpaca, 10% cashmere, 15% silk, and 10% camel. I don't even think it actually weighs anything, the label says 50 grams, but in ones hand the yarn is so soft as to feel weightless. Next to the yarn is a cute wee needle gauge, from Finland in the shape of a robot ....because ... you know ... it was cute, and the yarn fumes got to me.
That little splurge was followed the next day, as KAN is a three day event, by this a soft white and silver grey sock yarn blend, with merino and a touch of nylon also from Wabisabi fibers. I had seen this on day one, and loved it. Still there on the last day indicated that I really needed to adopt this fibre .... As no one else had.
More lovely rainbows |
Also on the last day I spotted this, or rather these, two lovely hand made Rolags of blended merino. You know that jeweler, Frances who makes the beautiful spindles? Well this is one of her blends, I've spun her fibre before and the colors just glow. The two packets match, giving me all sorts of opportunity to play more with the fibre colors as I spin. I wish the photo did justice to the blend ... but it only hints at the bright sunny jewel colors.
M again |
Then as the traders prepared to pack up, M from Vintage Purls convinced me that this was the perfect colour for me and as such needed to come home with me. I had been avoiding this fibre, yes it is 'my favorite' shade of grey blue, but it has sparkly bits as well. I'm not sure how I feel about sparkle in my fibre, but this has just a hint amidst the merino, alpaca and silk, such a teeny amount I could pretend it is not there.
I just realized that KAN started with M enabling me, and finished the same way .... with M enabling me, and I don't care, with friends like that i am one lucky knitter/spinner.
Take care, next post will have actual reporting of knitting and spinning .... I promise.
Na stella