Here is the body of my Fannigan. Fannigan is now my working title for this cardigan - I finally found a name. Simply being a matter of Fanna and cardigan rushed together. It is 33.5 cm long, which is .5 longer than planned, but sometimes knitting goes like that. Instead of measuring - I was knitting and wondering if it was long enough. The 10 stitch steek is clearly visable up the centre front. I've been watching the EZ glossary, and she does only a one stitch steek, eek! I thought 3 stitches as per Anna Z was tempting fate - but there it was in living colour on the tv screen. Not only 1 stitch - but only one row of machine stitching down each side of the single steek stitch! I'm not sure how many stitches away from that the sleeve is attached - - but one stitch.

So . . . maths. Lets just say when using the EPS* system you need to know K, which is either the size in cm's or the number of stitches around the chest, once you know the gauge it can be easier to work in the finished measurements for the formula . So I am using EPS to work the shaping and sizing for Fannigan and measured K. Measured flat, so 43 cm across. Taking K as 43cm I worked out the wrist at 25% and the bicep at 40%. I got 10.25 cm and 17cm respectively. I could not understand that, my wrists and biceps were far larger than 10 and 17 cm. I measured and reworked the maths always getting the same result. I knew EZ couldn't be wrong, after all I had used EPS before with success.
It was some time before I twigged that 43cm was half my K not my total K. You would think that teaching pattern-making for 8 years and knowing a New Zealand size 12 has a bust measurement of 87cm, a waist of 69 cm, and a hip of 92 cm - would make me think my K = bust =43cm was not right. I am way past any waif stage, am while not large - I am most certainly solider than in my younger days. 'Mature' is what we call the models who are like me, and reserve 'petite' for the younger slimmer ones when we organise the end of year show. But thats my work head, and I was at home with my knitting head, and obviously there are days that the work information is filed away from the knitting information.
So after coming to my senses - I got to this schematic, and last night cast on for the sleeve hem.

Which brings me to here, I used a German twisted cast on, as recommended by the Zimmerfolk to stop the corrugated ribbing from curling. I worked one row plain green K1P1 rib, and then corrugated in red and green. But I am not happy and tonight I frog. See the little loose red purl bumps, they are to loose, much to loose. I've posted an image of the ribbing at the hip of Fannigan to compare with. It dose take time to get back into the swing of knitting different stitch patterns and corrugated rib is obviously no exception.
So tonight I frog, and cast on again. and tug the purls firmer as I go, I have also been thinking - the first row after the cast on would really look better if it was K1-Green, and K1-red, then the next row in the round switch to the K1-green, P1-red corrugated ribbing.

and I discovered Yarnivale (thank you Cara)- which is like an edited monthly magazine of tutorials and wittings pulled from knit blogs. I'm not sure how to access it direct, and there must be a way to subscribe, but for now I am planning to work my way through this months issue and back issues. What an amazing idea!
*EPS - well that would be Elizabeths percentage system!