which means right now I'm feeling ... drained, worn out .. by it all, but in a totally good way. Most of the ones I'm marking now have made changes to their work based on the informal feedback i gave them at the end of the last term - so that is encouraging.

And in betwixt the marking there has been knitting. Knitting is my little retreat from the mental agility required of the days and days of marking. First up I have a plan for the sock that was too small, an informal arrangement to swap it for a skein of the same colour yarn as I've used as the background of Nightingale, a pale mauve pink ... slightly darker but a similar look. That is plan A, if her foot fits (we will do the cinderella thing tonight at knit night). If Plan A works, I can knit these all over again but in my size :D Once i had an idea of who might want to swap yarn for socks ... it seemed easy to cast on for sock number two and knit away, this is 2 days knitting, with work in the middle, Cast on after breakfast Tuesday, knit until I leave for work, knit at home after-work, ditto Wednesday and again this morning (its Thursday here) - and now I have only the final 7 or so decrease rounds to work .... wow - a 3 day lace sock! I'm not sure it was good for my hands to knit so small so much ... but interesting to know if I needed to i could knit a pair of socks in a week - I am not sure I should rush into that sort of challenge though.

and there is also this, a wee wash cloth, in organic soft cotton from Rowan, 4 ply from memory on 3.25mm signature needles (my absolute favorite needles of all time). This was mostly worked as i wandered around the knitting elective class, it was my sampler, if some one needed to know how to ssk, or k2tog, or k2tbl, or m1 or rib or moss or whatever .. I'd work what they needed on this, as they worked on theirs. Then I would frog my demonstration and go back to a slip stitch pattern. I need to weigh this and see if there is enough left for a second cloth .. or if I need to look for a similar weight yarn to put with it, Rowan is expensive so I don't want to waste it, but it is wonderfully soft and silky for cotton.
Next post will have more knitting - and less marking
it will - I promise
take care Stella