I've reached another milestone with Nightingale, the leg increases, so far I'm only 2 repeats in but it is a start. I've decided to work mine as stripes - that way the increase gusset won't have long floats carried across its width.

My real progress this week has been spinning, I finished working this Jacob, 82g, two ply, 162m, all done and plied and washed and bloomed. I loved spinning this - the fibre just flowed easily and evenly (why can't all fibre be like this?). This Jacob was a gift, generously shared by Jocelyn - thank you!

The fibre is a lovely grey, silver really, and has a silky handle with a bloom and drape .. odd really but seriously beautiful. I don't want to put this one away - it may become yarn decoration for a wee while first. I was impressed by how fine it has ended up, and even, due entirely I think to the lovely free flowing prep.

The next spin project is both a luxury and a challenge, a local spinner gifted me this chinese cashmere (yes she actually rang and asked if I was interested!). It is pettably soft and creamy and looks like toffee. I'm almost scared to spin it, what if I stuff it up? I tried a wee sample skein and it worked - but was hard work. Cashmere or this cashmere is short and it is like spinning water - I'm aware that when spinning this I tense up and work the fiber almost a centimeter at a time ... but perhaps that is how it is with cashmere.
Lastly way back at the start of the year I spent some time developing and submitting abstracts for conferences .. the one I was most excited about was In the Loop 2 - Knitting: origins and evolution, and I learned some months ago my paper was accepted. Which meant I had to apply for funding and wait .. the funding came thru and that meant I had to try and afford Lerwick (yes in the Shetlands - of the knitting traditions), after much too-ing and fro-ing and searching I finally sorted travel that is affordable within the budget and I've confirmed and registered. My paper is on four items of mid 20th C knitwear in the local museum ... and I'm suggesting they are perfect examples of taught British knitting at the edges of the empire. I've still go to flesh out the paper, go beyond the early working version I presented last year ... and rework it for a knitting and not New Zealand audience. I'll be busy .. head down reading and writitng and thinking - I will really need my knitting to relax me. And I'm already planning my 'trip' knitting .....I'm sure my local knit group are planning my shopping:D
take care
na Stella