I finished the hem on the back of Blue shimmer! that last little bit seemed to take forever, but now I am happily onto the left sleeve. It was on the instructions for the left sleeve i discovered that the instructions include specific details for increasing 3 stitches in from each edge. These should have applied to the back, and while I read the pattern thru before starting I did not remember this bit was there. On the back i increased at the edge, thinking it would then be part of the seam. So the sleeve has fully fashioned shaping, and the back hasn't. Argghhh. when seamed - the row of fully fashioned shaping should run between the back and front, I am not re knitting the back, no way. Current dilema is do I fully fashion the front to match the sleeve, I think I do, or do I make it match the back, could be the best option. Will keep you posted. Any way photos of progress, the hem is 4 cm deep, with the stitches parked on a waste yarn, waiting for the garment to be sewn up, then I will kitchener the stitches down loosely so no ridge on the right side.

The sleeve progresses well, up to the first decreases after the underarm. this should go quicker having much fewer stitches, and i am wondering about a hem or a ribb cuff? The pattern is for ribb, 8 cm, but I like hems, as you may have noticed. I dont mind ribbing, but wonder if it will go with the other hem.
I am trying a new sock, this is my pool project, the one I take to the pool and knit while wee ones have swimming lessons. This term my oldest is in at 9 am saturday, so I lane swim while he learns then we have a play swim.
My poppy-girl is in at 12:15 - Yes you would think with the same surname some one would put them in classes closer in time. This is the first term I have not had the energy to complain. Any way I change quickly and knit while she learns - so less knitting but more exercise this term. an way new sock, based on one in knitty summer 2006 by

and the tamagotchi, this craze is back, and my boy who turned 7 really, really, rally wanted one for his birthday, so after much teasing and then a sale advertised on T.V which resulted in 2 of the three stockests in Dunedin selling out the week before the said birthday, after much searching we bought one - full price. Then his school pal Bebe gave him one, so now we house two of the critters. Well the longest one has lasted is around 7 days, but they beep, they require attention, and they get in the way of family life. but he loves them and yet dosn't care if they die. Weird.