are strange, when one has a cold there seems to be an internal drive to cuddle up, sip hot citrus and honey drinks, keep warm and snug. All that seems better to do when the weather is wintry, and the days dark and cold. In summer .. well being full of sniffles and a 'thick' head feeling is less straightforward to treat, cold orange juice (yes), but some how wandering around in bare feet and tee-shirts seems wrong, and yet if I add more layers them I am too warm. As you might have guessed I have a summer cold, its 23 degrees Celsius (73 degrees F), and warm and sunny and I have the serious head thickening sniffles. I've been sleeping a lot and sitting without doing much - odd for me, there has been a little knitting, but mostly spinning - easy things that don't require much input from me, things I can do on autopilot. I find my self sitting with my knitting on my lap, with no progress and not even following what is on tv .... still the sun is shining, and its warm and the days are longer and sunnier so I'm not complaining.

I've spiraled my way up the first sock (Spiral Bound by Vintage Purls). The spiral finished very neatly into the 2x2 ribbing.

So with the first sock done I cast on 6 stitches, increased madly in pattern, and worked the toe on the second sock. These are designed as mirror images, so one spirals clockwise and the other anti-clockwise. It is easy knitting, just round and round with a little kfb here and a k2tog there.

I'm not sure if it is the head cold so a need to do simple things, or that most of the projects on my needles are worked from charts .. but I found spinning called me more than knitting this week. So I've been treadling my way thru the scrappy swap fibre, I thought if I had it all spun before the end of today, then I could ply it at spin night tomorrow. But feeling like I do I'm not sure that I'm going to make it to spin night, at home I can blow my nose and ditch tissues into a waste paper basket beside the chair and keep spinning. Out visiting that might not be appreciated, and I'm not keen on sharing this feeling with my spin friends. As for the spinning, it could still go either way, beautiful ugly or just plain ugly ....
take care
na Stella

I've spiraled my way up the first sock (Spiral Bound by Vintage Purls). The spiral finished very neatly into the 2x2 ribbing.

So with the first sock done I cast on 6 stitches, increased madly in pattern, and worked the toe on the second sock. These are designed as mirror images, so one spirals clockwise and the other anti-clockwise. It is easy knitting, just round and round with a little kfb here and a k2tog there.

I'm not sure if it is the head cold so a need to do simple things, or that most of the projects on my needles are worked from charts .. but I found spinning called me more than knitting this week. So I've been treadling my way thru the scrappy swap fibre, I thought if I had it all spun before the end of today, then I could ply it at spin night tomorrow. But feeling like I do I'm not sure that I'm going to make it to spin night, at home I can blow my nose and ditch tissues into a waste paper basket beside the chair and keep spinning. Out visiting that might not be appreciated, and I'm not keen on sharing this feeling with my spin friends. As for the spinning, it could still go either way, beautiful ugly or just plain ugly ....
take care
na Stella