Today in the post I've got one thing done, finished and blocked and drying out side in the wonderful sunshine we have lots of right now, one thing do__ (which is almost done - all bar the seaming up), and one thing missing. A knit thing ..... it happens.
During the week I had a day away from work and went out to Mosgiel to the Taieri Creative Fibre open day, which was a nice way to spend a day - more so as I bought a single raffle ticket on the way in and won a lovely skein of yarn - yum. I also had one of the loveliest parcel ever of things I had bought ever arrive, truly it was beautiful - and if ever I am stuck for a gift .. and have the foresight to order in time for delivery - I'll be buying from them.

Done, time two that means both mittens are done, ends woven in, blocked a done - the Cat mittens, by Jorid Linvik, which may or not fit Toby - seems that cub has had a growth spurt since I started them all of a month ago on the 24th of August. Perhaps the blocking will result in a little loosening and they may fit - but its spring here and he probably won't fit them next winter. Oh well, the smaller cub scores .. and he dose not seem to upset. I did make both the thumbs a little longer than the pattern suggest ... guess my cubs are lanky and long.

And here is the very nearly almost done project, all knit up bar the seaming and edging. I did have enough yarn in the end, which is good because it was vintage sale yarn and there is no more in the same colour. I was a little worried, as the last skein was only four strands not the six in the other 10 skeins, but I figured that no one would notice a slightly thinner patch once it was all sewn up and edged. I've told the cubs that once I'm done with blogging this morning and their rooms are tidy - they can help me do the largest jig saw in the house and fit all the pieces together - parents get to do that, trick their cubs into work by making it fun. Besides it will be good for their spatial problem solving thinking skills - a whole body puzzle.

This is the yarn I scored at the Taieri open day, Italian superwash laceweight Merino in a beautiful deep ruby. This was provided by Pollyknits .. who had a stall their. I was the third or fourth prize drawn and it was a case of presenting ones winning raffle ticket and selecting the prize one wanted. I could not believe my luck, the three first prizes to be collected were all plastic buckets of groceries ... so I got to score this yarn!

On Wednesday - the same day as the open day - I arrived home to find a lovely parcel address to the 'wonderful knitknitfrog'. Inside was what would have to be the nicest wrapping I have ever seen from a shop I've ordered from - inside was Violette Ink from J. Herbin and a Seyes ruled notebook. Each was wrapped up separate - just in case the ink misbehaved, but it didn't. When you place an order with Jumping Tangents they have a space on the order form to let them know something about the recipient - and then they go away and customize the parcel - wonderful.

Bear and I have been sharing out latest book, a mammoth volume entitled The Ultimate Book of Pens - which is in three languages, English, German and French. Once I got used to reading every third column I'm loving the history and little stories about the manufacturers and notable inventors, and the images.
And the lost ... was this, at eldest cubs camp. Not sure what happened ... he is quite upset, I guess he knows how much time and effort goes into a hand knit and he wears it all the time. Monday Bear or I will pop into his school and see what can be done about finding it ... the camp was several hours drive south of home ... so we need to at least check school is aware and looking on our behalf. It was all labeled but if he has left it on a tree or fence .. a label won't help it come home until some one finds it.
Ok - I'm not going to get to upset about lost knits after all ... stuff happens, and it means I get to knit more, I'm off to turn over the mittens so the other side drys, and head out with the smallest cub - it is her turn to go to camp this week, and we need a few little things for her.
Take care
This week is a week of student final presentations and marking ... next week there is a masters to mark (oh eeek - that is Monday so I'll have to read it this week). I'll post when I can, and knit when I need to - and suggest you all do the same to keep sane.
na Stella
During the week I had a day away from work and went out to Mosgiel to the Taieri Creative Fibre open day, which was a nice way to spend a day - more so as I bought a single raffle ticket on the way in and won a lovely skein of yarn - yum. I also had one of the loveliest parcel ever of things I had bought ever arrive, truly it was beautiful - and if ever I am stuck for a gift .. and have the foresight to order in time for delivery - I'll be buying from them.

Done, time two that means both mittens are done, ends woven in, blocked a done - the Cat mittens, by Jorid Linvik, which may or not fit Toby - seems that cub has had a growth spurt since I started them all of a month ago on the 24th of August. Perhaps the blocking will result in a little loosening and they may fit - but its spring here and he probably won't fit them next winter. Oh well, the smaller cub scores .. and he dose not seem to upset. I did make both the thumbs a little longer than the pattern suggest ... guess my cubs are lanky and long.

And here is the very nearly almost done project, all knit up bar the seaming and edging. I did have enough yarn in the end, which is good because it was vintage sale yarn and there is no more in the same colour. I was a little worried, as the last skein was only four strands not the six in the other 10 skeins, but I figured that no one would notice a slightly thinner patch once it was all sewn up and edged. I've told the cubs that once I'm done with blogging this morning and their rooms are tidy - they can help me do the largest jig saw in the house and fit all the pieces together - parents get to do that, trick their cubs into work by making it fun. Besides it will be good for their spatial problem solving thinking skills - a whole body puzzle.

This is the yarn I scored at the Taieri open day, Italian superwash laceweight Merino in a beautiful deep ruby. This was provided by Pollyknits .. who had a stall their. I was the third or fourth prize drawn and it was a case of presenting ones winning raffle ticket and selecting the prize one wanted. I could not believe my luck, the three first prizes to be collected were all plastic buckets of groceries ... so I got to score this yarn!

On Wednesday - the same day as the open day - I arrived home to find a lovely parcel address to the 'wonderful knitknitfrog'. Inside was what would have to be the nicest wrapping I have ever seen from a shop I've ordered from - inside was Violette Ink from J. Herbin and a Seyes ruled notebook. Each was wrapped up separate - just in case the ink misbehaved, but it didn't. When you place an order with Jumping Tangents they have a space on the order form to let them know something about the recipient - and then they go away and customize the parcel - wonderful.

Bear and I have been sharing out latest book, a mammoth volume entitled The Ultimate Book of Pens - which is in three languages, English, German and French. Once I got used to reading every third column I'm loving the history and little stories about the manufacturers and notable inventors, and the images.
And the lost ... was this, at eldest cubs camp. Not sure what happened ... he is quite upset, I guess he knows how much time and effort goes into a hand knit and he wears it all the time. Monday Bear or I will pop into his school and see what can be done about finding it ... the camp was several hours drive south of home ... so we need to at least check school is aware and looking on our behalf. It was all labeled but if he has left it on a tree or fence .. a label won't help it come home until some one finds it.
Ok - I'm not going to get to upset about lost knits after all ... stuff happens, and it means I get to knit more, I'm off to turn over the mittens so the other side drys, and head out with the smallest cub - it is her turn to go to camp this week, and we need a few little things for her.
Take care
This week is a week of student final presentations and marking ... next week there is a masters to mark (oh eeek - that is Monday so I'll have to read it this week). I'll post when I can, and knit when I need to - and suggest you all do the same to keep sane.
na Stella