Well September in new zealand means spring, Usually that would mean a heavy hit of nasty cold rainy blustery weather, but since thrusday we have had balmy, warm, sunny weather. I was so convinced on friday with two nice days behind us, and the weekend upon us it could not last. But the pesimist in me was wrong, wrong, wrong. Ain't that great?
So what have we done with this windfall of fine sunny weather? Well like all good southern people, and I mean souther in a pacific sense, that is close to the icy Antartic, with cold rather than tropical weather. We made sure the house was aired, the fire place dust wiped away, the washing done and out on the line to dry, the porch tidied up, and we even did some gardening. I kid you not, we really did. Look at our newly spruced up porch at the start of this post.
And bohus, well that stocking stitch is a bit of a bore, and while I consider myself a stoic knitter, one who will finish unless the thing is really ugly, well, acres of the stst stuff in the flat can be rather tedious. Or as a more well known knitter has put it here, interminable. I have completed the short rows for the front, and the arm hole shaping so have only the front proper to do. Knit to the end, turn, purl to the end, turn, knit to the end, turn, .... .... .... ... Still that nagging doubt about having enough yarn to finish, which I shouldn't as there is technically enough in the kit for the largest size, and I knit the smallest. I did knit it longer than patterned. And that comment about knit until its finished unless it is looking really ugly, we that was sparked by the new tee shirt logo on the panopticon - "Did you knit that on purpose". How cool is that, might have to get me one of those this summer.
And the cat, yes this blog has a cat associated with it. There is something about knitting blogs and cats, they seem to go together, blue cheese and broccolli, mushrooms and wine, small children and fingerprints on glass doors and windows. The cat is, a girl, around 8 years old, Yo-yo. sweetest little furball you ever met. She puts up with two kids with no complaints, and given we are not cat people, both having cat allergies, so there is no lap sitting and no cuddles, she puts up with us.